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Friday wrap up

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is Quizlet Classic Live good to enhance cooperation among students?
Correct answer can be in 1 of the phones of the team
How many layouts are there in Padlet?
7: Wall, Canvas, Stream, Grid, Shelves, Map, Timeline
You can upload your own pictures in Quizlet but you cannot upload your own videos in Edpuzzle. TRUE or FALSE?
FALSE: Edpuzzle allows you to upload your own videos, but Quizlet doesn't allow you to upload your pictures :)
What are the In-class activities available in Quizlet?
Classic Live and Checkpoints
With which tools can you create mood boards?
How can you Share an activity created with Learning apps?
Link or QR code
How many padlet can you join with the free version?
Unlimited number
What is the name of the class you have to create if you want to play the live mode in Edpuzzle?
Thanks to learning apps you can play "The millionaire" with your students. TRUE or FALSE?
Describe this course in three words.
Which is the social media you need to use to create a lesson in Ed Puzzle?
To create a quiz in Socrative you need to log in as a STUDENT. TRUE or FALSE?
What is the name of the slide for the brainstorming in mentimeter?
Word cloud
How many "popular question type" of slides can you use in Mentimeter?