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A level English language - history of English

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Between the 5th and the 11th century saw many different settlements in England. How did this affect the English language?
Regional dialects were developed
Throughout the 18th century, Britain began to get loan words from countries such as India and Africa. Why do you think this was?
British Empire
What has influenced language change recently?
Media / technology / war
What are five examples of loan words?
What is a loan word?
A word borrowed from another language
How did the Industrial Revolution affect English?
Huge migration of people from the countryside to cities led to the mixing of social classes. How people spoke was an indicator of social class.
What was the language before Old English in Britain?
Which playwright helped English grow in popularity in the 18th century?
Which 11th century writer gave English more prestige when he wrote works such as the Canterbury Tales?
Who introduced the printing press from Europe to Britain in the 15th century?
What invasion happened in the 11th century and what language influenced as a result?
Norman invasion - French
Name two languages which had an influence on Old English
Old Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Latin