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Relative pronouns and shops

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "Granada is the city ________ my best friend is from."
Name a shop where you can buy clothes:
Shoe shop, sports shop, jeweller's
Name a shop where you can buy food:
Butcher, greengrocer, fishmonger's
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "Help! That's the man _____ stole my bike!"
Where could I buy these earrings?
The jeweller's/jewellery shop
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "The classroom, _____ was untidy, needed to be cleaned."
What's the name of the store where I can buy tomatoes, lettuce, and apples?
Translate: "Tengo que hacer mis deberes." 
I have to do my homework. 
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "Retiro is the park ______ a lot of people have picnics."
In what kind of shop could I find these?
Shoe shop
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "My grandfather, ______ lives in the Philippines, is 84 years old."
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "Lope de Vega is the name of the school _____ I work."
Where could I buy a magazine?
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "The trousers, _____ I got for my birthday, are too big."
"I'm looking for a tennis racket." What shop are you in?
Sports shop
"I'd like some salmon, sardines, and tuna, please." What shop are you in?
The fishmonger's
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "Is that Robert's cup of coffee?" "Yes, Robert is the man _____ is drinking that coffee." 
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "Can you remember a time _____ there were no mobile phones?"
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "I'm looking for a person ______ can walk my dog while I'm on vacation."
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "My car, ______ is blue, is in front of the house."
Fill in the blank with the relative pronoun: "Mary is the woman _______ works at the chocolate factory."