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Even & Odd/Number Patterns
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222, 302, 382, ____, _____ Find the next two terms and the rule.
462, 542. Rule adding 80.
What are the first 5 multiple of 6?
6, 12, 18 24, 30
What are the first 5 multiples of 4?
4, 8, 12, 16, 20
64, 32, 16, ____ What is the rule and next term?
Rule: divide by 2, 8
3, 9, 27, ____ What is the rule and next term?
Rule: multiply by 3, 81.
2850, 2807, 2764, _____ ,______
2721, 2678 Rule: subtract 43
12, 24, 36, 48, ____, ____ What are the next two terms? What is the rule?
60, 72: Adding 12
Is the number 562 even or odd?
Is the number 999 even or odd?
Is the number 478 even or odd?
Is the number 269 even or odd?
Is the number 14 even or odd?
Is the number 89 even or odd?
Is the number 77 even or odd?
Is the number 67 even or odd?
Is the number 20 even or odd?
Is the number 48 even or odd?