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6.1 Causes of the Reform Movements

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What were TWO effects of this canal on the United States during the early-to-mid 1800s?
The midwest opened for settlement, the northeast gained access to trade networks
Which reform movement was led by Dorothea Dix?
Mental Health Reform
What religious movement caused the reform Era
The Second Great Awakening
Why did Thomas Jefferson purchase Louisiana Territory?
He wanted to control the Mississippi River
How did harbors affect the 13 colonies
They provided access to European markets
What Supreme Court case established judicial review?
Marbury v. Madison
What was the cause of the war of 1812?
The British impressed U.S. sailors
Why did Washington issue the proclamation of Neutrality?
To avoid being drawn into European conflicts
Where did Washington's troops face a diffcult winter and nearly starve?
Valley Forge