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Harry Potter/Grammar

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is Peeves?
a ghost
What is a squib?
Born from magical parents but has no powers
What do Harry Potter and Ron Weasley have in common?
They both have always received hand-me-downs.
The thesis of an essay is a sentence that tells the reader
what the essay will be about.
The topic sentence of a paragraph is
usually the first sentence.
A complex sentence has an independent clause and a
dependent clause.
Some commonly misspelled words are
there, they're, and their OR two, too, to
Dangling modifiers are words or phrases that make sentences
Coordinate adjectives can be ________, and they still make sense.
A pronoun replaces a
A compound sentence must be connected by a
Why are houses in Hogwarts important?
They represent who you are, and the people in them become your "second family".
What is Harry afraid of as he starts preparing for Hogwarts?
That he doesn't know any magic
Who is Dumbledore?
Headmaster/Principal of Hogwarts
Why does Petunia Vernon hate Harry Potter?
She was jealous of her sister, Harry's mother.
Who dropped Harry off as a baby and picked him up at the age of 11?
Why do the Dursleys laugh when they leave Harry at the train station?
They think platform 9 3/4 does not exist.
What is Harry Potter's owl's name?