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Ball Hockey

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What can make our lungs strong and healthy?
Exercising/breathing fresh air
The very strong muscle under our lung is called....
Our respiratory system helps us.......
We need to be sure to take care of our lungs by not.....
Answers may vary.
Our nose is responsible for filtering the______and other stuff before the air enters our lungs.
air of dust
Ball hockey is an Olympic sport? True or False
People use the yellow ball to play ball hockey in 75 degree weather, true or false.
Penalties can be call for slashing, holding, high stick, roughing, body checking, and disagreements with the referee.
Name the five components of physical education?
(1) body composition, (2) flexibility, (3) muscular strength, (4) muscular endurance, and (5) cardiorespiratory endurance.
Skills required in Ball Hockey include passing, receiving/passing, shooting and stickhandling skills.
Might be done on concrete or ice.
What is a scrimmage game?
a practice — not an official game.
Tell me 3 differences between ball hockey & ice hockey?
Answers may vary
Tell me 3 similarities between ball hockey & ice hockey?
Answers may vary
What happen when you get a minor infraction?
Two minute penalty
Name one skill required in Ball Hockey?
Answer may vary.
Ball Hockey is contact sport?
How many forwards do we have in Ball Hockey? & What are the names of the positions?
3- Center, Left, & Right Wing
Who were the first people to play Hockey?
The Native Indians
What year was Ball Hockey First Observed?