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True or false: I have more than 10 tattoos
True. I have 12 tattoos
I'm starting something new in 2023, what is it? a) getting my PHD b) studying Spanis c) taking swimming lessons
a) getting my PHD
True of false: I have worked at Walt Disney World
What was the book I liked the most last year? a)Radio Silence b)The Little Café in Copenhagen c)The invisible life of Addie Larue
c)The invisible life of Addie Larue
True or false: Last year I read 16 books.
What's my favourite free time activity? a)reading b)watching series c)going to the beach
b)watching series
I love pets and I have ____ cats
True or false: I can only speak Portuguese and English
What's my favourite colour?
True or false: I have been a teacher for 10 years.
True. I started teaching in 2013.
True or false: I have travelled to more than 10 countries
False. I have travelled to 9 countries.
How old am I?