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Energy and Recycling

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of non-renewable fuel is used for cooking and heating in homes?
natural gas
Name a type of fuel that is a solid?
What is a disadvantage to building dams for hydro-electric (water) power?
Can disrupt the habitat for animals and plants
What is a disadvantage to building dams for hydro-electric (water) power?
Can disrupt the habitat for animals and plants.
what is the name of this situation
what are fossil fuels?
they are the gasses which form from dead animals and plants.
geothermal power comes from..-...
Geothermal power comes from the heat found under the earth in volcanic regions
----------------_____ is an energy source that WILL NOT run out in the future.
disadvantage of solar energy
panels occupy alot of space or it's expensive
advantage of solar energy
it doesn't produce air pollution. or it's safe
Can I recycle this?
Yes. Paper is recyclable.
Can I recycle this?
Yes. Metal is recyclable.
Can I recycle this?
Yes. Plastic is recyclable.
Can I recycle this?
Yes. Glass is recyclable.
Can I recycle this?
Yes. Metal is recyclable.
Can I recycle this?
Yes. Paper is recyclable.
Can I recycle this?
No. Food waste is not recycable.
What kind of material is this?
What kind of material is this?
What kind of material is this?
What kind of material is this?
What does this symbol mean?
What are the three R's?
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!
What can you use instead of a plastic bag?
No thank you! I will use a cloth bag.
What is this?
It's a solar panel
What is this?
It's a wind turbine.
What kind of energy is this?
What kind of energy is this?
sun (solar)
What kind of energy is this?
sun (solar)
What kind of energy is this?
What kind of energy is this?
What kind of energy is this?
What kind of energy is this?
What kind of energy is this?