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G5- UNIT 13

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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sister / Does / surf / in / your / the / her / internet / free time ?
Does your sister surf the internet in her free time?
mother/ often / with / shopping / Mary / her / goes
Mary often goes shopping with her mother.
his / brother / What / does / your / do / free time ?/ in
What does your brother do in his free time?
My / her / mother / often / pictures / in/ free time. / draws
My mother often draws picture in her free time.
you / play / Do / in / chess / free time / your ?
Do you play chess in your free time?
Nam ______( goes/ does/ plays ) skating in his free time.
I ___ ( do / play / go ) yoga everyday.
______rides a bike in ______ free time.
He / his
________________? - Yes, he does.
Does he go fishing in his free time?
_____________________? - She goes swimming.
What does she do in her free time?
What does your brother do in his free time?
He does karate.
My mother ________ in her free time.
cleans the house
My father _________ in his free time.
goes hiking
He _______ in her free time.
goes jogging
I ______in my free time.
go camping