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Our World 2 Unit 8
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a question to the answer: They are architects
What do they do?
Make a question to the answer: He's an artist
What does he do?
Make a question to the answer: THEY WORK IN A SCHOOL
Where do they work?
Complete the phrase: WE _____ TO BE ASTRONAUTS
Make a question to the answer: THEY WORK AT HOME
Where do they work?
Make a question to the answer: MY AUNT WANTS TO BE A ROCKSTAR
What does your aunt want to be?
Make a question to the answer: HE WANTS TO BE A POLICEMAN
What does he want to be?
Make a question to the answer: SHE WANTS TO BE A TEACHER
What does she want to be?
Make a question to the answer: THEY WORK IN A HOSPITAL
Where do they work?
Make a question to the answer: SHE WORKS IN A RESTAURANT
Where does she work?
Complete the phrase: My brothers _____ to be chefs
Complete the phrase: MY SISTER _____ TO BE A VET
Order the phrase: be / pilots / want / to / they
They want to be pilots
Order the phrase: a / my / nurse / wants / to / be / cousin
My cousin wants to be a nurse
Order the phrase: want / I / a / be / doctor / to
I want to be a doctor