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4B Ch1 Having Fun in Hong Kong

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where / What will you go on Sunday? I'll go to Wan Chai.
Where will you go on Sunday? I'll go to Wan Chai.
Where / What will you go next Friday? We'll go to Sai Kung.
Where will you go next Friday? We'll go to Sai Kung.
Where / What will you go at the weekend? I'll go to Mai Po.
Where will you go at the weekend? I'll go to Mai Po.
Where / What will you eat in Aberdeen? I will eat seafood.
What will you eat in Aberdeen? I will eat seafood.
Where / What will you do in Wan Chai? I'll visit Golden Bauhinia Square.
What will you do in Wan Chai? I'll visit Golden Bauhinia Square.
Where / What will you do in Tsim Sha Tsui? I'll take photos on the Avenue of Stars.
What will you do in Tsim Sha Tsui? I'll take photos on the Avenue of Stars.
Where / What will you do in Mai Po? I'll watch the birds.
What will you do in Mai Po? I'll watch the birds.
Where / What will you do at the Peak? I'll look at the view of Hong Kong.
What will you do at the Peak? I'll look at the view of Hong Kong.
Where / What will you go on Friday? We'll go to SKH Holy Spirit Primary School.
Where will you go on Friday? We'll go to SKH Holy Spirit Primary School.
Where / What will you go on the first day? We'll go to the Peak.
Where will you go on the first day? We'll go to the Peak.