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Ancient India

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This mountain range borders Ancient India to the north and consist of the highest mountain range in the world?
Himalaya Mountains
The core of Buddhism is the belief in these ways to end suffering?
Four Noble Truths
What were the seasonal winds called that brought the rain to help the agriculture increase in Ancient India
On which continent is Ancient India located?
Asia (South Asia)
This is the form of writing used by people in Ancient India
This is the belief that your actions and deeds will determine the future effects on your life
This religion is over 4,000 years old founded by the Aryans and is based on the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation.
This religion developed in Ancient India over 2,000 years ago founded by Siddhartha Gautama and is based on the teachings and spiritual beliefs of Buddha
What is the name of the largest site located in the Indus River Valley?
What is the name of the river valley where Ancient India emerged?
Indus River Valley
What present day country is located where Ancient India started?