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Say or Write the Date

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write this date using form NUMBER 4: February second, eighteen eighty-seven
2/2/1887 (02/02/1887)
Write this date using form NUMBER 1: March third, sixteen ninety-nine
March 3, 1699
Write this date using form NUMBER 2: April tenth, eighteen seventy-two
Apr. 10, 1872
Write this date using form NUMBER 1: May ninth, nineteen fourteen
May 9, 1914
Write this date using form NUMBER 4: June fourteenth, eighteen eighty-nine
6/14/1889 (06/15/1889)
Write this date using form NUMBER 3: July fourth, seventeen seventy-six
7-4-1776 (07-04-1776)
Write this date using form NUMBER 1: August sixteenth, twenty twenty-three
August 6, 2023
Write this date using form NUMBER 4: September twenty-sixth seventh forty-four
09/26/1744 (or 9/26/1744)
Write this date using form NUMBER 3: October thirty-first, sixteen twenty-one
Write this date using form NUMBER 2: November twenty-seventh, nineteen eighty
Nov. 27, 1980
Write this date using form NUMBER 1: December twenty fifth, twenty twenty-five
December 25, 2025
Say this date: Dec. 31, 1700
December thirty-first, seventeen hundred
Say this date: 11/11/1911
November eleventh, nineteen eleven
Say this date: 10/10/1992
October tenth, ninteen ninety-two
Say this date: 09/05/1882
September fifth, eighteen eighty-two
Say this date: Aug. 16, 1969
August sixteenth, ninteen sixty-nine
Say this date: July 1, 1867
July first, eighteen sixty-seven
Say this date: 6/19/1910
June nineteenth, nineteen ten
Say this date: May 30, 1868
May thirtieth, eighteen sixty-eight
Say this date: 4/5/17 (2017)
April fifth, twenty seventeen (two thousand [and] seventeen)
Say this date: 3/17/20 (2020)
March seventeenth, twenty twenty (or two thousand [and] twenty)
Say this date: Feb. 14, 1988
February fourteenth, nineteen eighty-eight
Say this date: January 1, 2024
January First, twenty twenty-four or two-thousand twenty four