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Fly High 2 Unit 11 I've got a body

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Їхні крила великі.
Their wings are big.
ЇЇ тіло синє.
Its body is blue.
Вони мають синьо-жовтий повітряний змій.
They have got a blue and yellow kite.
У моєї мами маленькі руки.
My mother has got small hands.
У мого тата старе радіо.
My father has got an old radio.
У мого друга червоний велосипед.
My friend has got a red bike.
У комахи прекрасні крила.
The insect has got beautiful wings.
У неї маленькі ступні.
She's got small feet.
У робота сім рук.
A robot has got seven arms.
У нього маленьке чорно- оранжеве тіло.
It's got small black and orange body.
У нього велика голова.
He's got a big head.
У мене є дві ноги.
I've got two legs.