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USH B Unit 7 Test Review

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This is a period in the business cycle where there is reduced economic activity.
Roosevelt defeated Hoover in the election of 1932 in one of the largest landslides in American history. True or False?
A group established by FDR to come up with progressive solutions to the problems of the Great Depression was known as what?
The "Brain Trust"
A group of WWI veterans demanding their promised bonus be paid early was called what?
The "Bonus Army"
The distribution of wealth in American during the 1920s was considered evenly distributed across all sectors of the public. True or False?
False - majority of the nation's wealth was held by a small percentage of the population
What was the risky investing practice that ultimately led to the stock market crash?
Buying stocks on margin rather that paying full price
What were the three R's of The New Deal?
Relief, Recovery and Reform
Buying items using an amount borrowed from the bank is?
The New Deal included programs that took care of poor and unemployed people. True or False?
Why did many people in the Great Depression live in makeshift towns, or ""Hoovervilles" as depicted in the photograph?
They had lost their money and their homes.
October 29, 1929 is known as?
Black Tuesday
This environmental condition increased the destruction of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.
Years of drought
Why did people like those in the picture have to line up for free food in the 1930s?
the Great Depression left many without jobs or money
Which New Deal organization put people to work maintaining state and national forests?
The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp)
This New Deal program put people to work building dams, bridges and roads.
The TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
What event brought an end to the Great Depression?
World War II
Where did many migrant workers from the Dust Bowl in the Midwest migrate to?
What was the New Deal?
A series of laws and programs to help end the Great Depression
What president was elected when he promised Americans a 'New Deal'?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Name one cause of the Great Depression.
Overfarming, risky business/stock market practices
Who was president of the United States at the start of the Great Depression?
Herbert Hoover
What event is generally considered to be the start of the Great Depression?
Stock Market Crash
What decade did the majority of the Great Depression occur?
Why was the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) established?
To improve the banking system and restore people's confidence in banking system
The New Deal and the Progressive Era are similar in that they wanted to limit government protection of its citizens. True or False?
False - wanted to expand protection of citizens.
The Wagner Act of 1935 allowed labor unions to establish quotas on immigration. True or False?
False - it allowed for collective bargaining
"Hoovervilles" were established to show support for President Hoover's work during the Great Depression. True or False?
President Hoover supported government intervention and programs to help with the economic troubles. True or False?
The main goal of Roosevelt's WPA (Works Progress Administration) was to extend environmental regulations. True or False?
False - it was to provide jobs for the unemployed
Risky investing behavior was not a major factor of the stock market crash of 1929. True or False?
Free trade agreements were a major cause of the Great Depression. True or False?
Name one factor that contributed to the Dust Bowl.