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Interaction and reproduction

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Draw and label the names of the male reproductive system in the picture: prostate, urethra, penis, testicle, seminal vesicle, vas deferens.
Did you write all of them?
Write these sentences in the correct order: a) Sperm cells travel through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles and the prostate. b) The urethra carries semen out of the body. c) The testicles produces sperm cells. d) The prostate and
1- c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b
Draw and write the names of the female reproductive system
Did you write all of them?
Say the sentnces: e) There’s one on each side of the uterus. They produce egg cells. f) The organ where the fertilized egg develops into a fetus.
e) ovaries, f)uterus
Say the organs: c) The canal that connects the uterus and cervix to the outside of the body, d) They connect the ovaries to the uterus.
c) vagina, d) fallopian tubes
4)Say the organs. a) They connect the vagina to the uterus. b) There’s one on each side of the uterus. c) They produce egg cells.
a) cervix, b) ovaries, c) ovaries
3) Which type of sexual reproduction have these animals got? a) turtle b) a white shark c) a dolphin d) A whale
turtle, shark: lay eggs; whale and dolphin: give birth to live young.
Describe these concepts using your own words: oviparous, viviparous, and ovoviviparous.
Oviparus: animals reproduce by lying eggs; viviparous: animals grow inside the mother's body, ovoviviparus:animals hatch from eggs, inside the mother's body.
c) The female reproductive system produces _________ in the ovaries called_________. d) The male reproductive system produces ________________________.
egg cells, ova, sperm cells
Complete: a) Living things______________. Human reproduce_____________ and give birth after __________ months of pregnancy. b) Some animals reproduce____________: the organism produces an identical copy of itself.
reproduce, sexually, nine, asexually
Write the name of the muscles
Have you written all of them?
Complete: d) Muscles are_________ so they can relax and contract without breaking.
Muscles work in __________; one muscle will ________ and pull a joint one way and the other muscle will contract and pull it the other way.
pairs, contract
Complete: b) Tendons are made of ___________ tissue that connect muscle to your_________.
flexible, bones
Complete the sentences: The muscular system follows the brain’s __________ and it is made up of ___________ and ______________.
commands, muscles, tendons
Which organs of the respiratory and circulatory system are inside the rib cage?
Lungs and heart
What is the largest bone in the human body?
The femur bone