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Mishnayos Sukkah 3:6-3:15

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(讟讜) When is a child 讞讬讬讘 in the 诪爪讜讛 of 诇讜诇讘?
When he knows how to shake it.
(讟讜) What can one do with a 诇讜诇讘 in regards to putting it into water...?
砖讘转 - return to the water, 讬讜诐 讟讜讘 - can also add water, 讞讜诇 讛诪讜注讚 - should also change water
(讟讜) Nowadays, is one allowed to move a 诇讜诇讘 on 砖讘转? Why?
No, it is 诪讜拽爪讛 since we do not shake 诇讜诇讘 on 砖讘转.
(讟讜) What is a woman allowed to do with a 诇讜诇讘 on 砖讘转? Why would we have thought otherwise?
Move it. Since she doesn't need to shake 诇讜诇讘, we would have thought that it is 诪讜拽爪讛 for her.
(讬讚) WTD: 1st day of 住讜讻讜转 is 砖讘转 and someone carries his 诇讜诇讘 outside? Why?
专' 讬讜住讬 - 驻讟讜专 from a 拽专讘谉 since he was busy with the 诪爪讜讛 when he forgot.
(讬讚) What is the punishment for someone who does 诪诇讗讻讛 on 砖讘转?
讘旨职诪值讝执讬讚(on purpose) - stoning, 讘旨职砖讈讜止讙值讙 (by mistake) - he has to bring a 拽专讘谉 讞讟讗转
(讬讙) What were they careful about that 砖讘转? Why?
Do recognize their 诇讜诇讘讬诐. On the 1st day you must use your own 诇讜诇讘 - "诇指讻侄诐"
(讬讙) Did they prepare when the other days of 住讜讻讜转 fell out on 砖讘转? Why?
No, because you don't take 诇讜诇讘 on those days.
(讬讙) How would they prepare their 诇讜旨诇指讘讬诐 when the 1st day of 住只讻旨讜止转 fell out on 砖讈址讘旨指转? Why?
Brought their 诇讜诇讘讬诐 to shul before 砖讘转 because they would not be able to carry them.
(讬讙) Is 诇讜旨诇指讘 taken on 砖讈址讘旨指转? (outside of the 讘讬转 讛诪拽讚砖)
诪讚讗讜专讬讬转讗 on the 1st day it is taken. (诪讚专讘谞谉, nowadays, we do not.)
(讬讘) What is 讬讜止诐 讛指谞值祝 referring to?
The day the 拽专讘谉 注讜诪专 was brought (2nd day of 驻住讞) because it was waved in 4 directions.
(讬讘) What did 专址讘旨指谉 讬讜止讞指谞指谉 讘旨侄谉 讝址讻旨址讗讬 decree about 讞指讚指砖讈? Why?
Don't eat 讞讚砖 until the 3rd day of 驻住讞, because if the 讘讬转 讛诪拽讚砖 is rebuilt, people may mistakenly eat 讞讚砖 before the 拽专讘谉 注讜诪专 is brought.
(讬讘) 诪执讚职旨讗讜止专指讬职讬转指讗, when may 讞指讚指砖讈 be eaten?
Once the 拽专讘谉 注讜诪专 is brought on 2nd day of 驻住讞. If there is no 讘讬转 讛诪拽讚砖 then the beginning of 2nd day of 驻住讞.
(讬讘) What is讞指讚指砖讈 ?
Grain of the new crop.
(讬讘) What did 专址讘旨指谉 讬讜止讞指谞指谉 讘旨侄谉 讝址讻旨址讗讬 decree about taking the 诇讜旨诇指讘? Why?
诇讜诇讘 is taken all 7 days everywhere. To remember what was done in the 讘讬转 讛诪拽讚砖 before it was destroyed.
(讬讘) 诪执讚职旨讗讜止专指讬职讬转指讗, how many days is there a 诪爪讜讛 to take 诇讜旨诇指讘?
In 讘讬转 讛诪拽讚砖, all 7 days. Outside of 讘讬转 讛诪拽讚砖, only 1st day
(讬讗) WTD: Buying a 诇讜诇讘 set during 砖诪讬讟讛 [from an 注诐 讛讗专抓]? Why?
He should give the 讗转专讜讙 as a present. The money used for buying 砖诪讬讟讛 fruit is 拽讚讜砖 and we are concerned the 注诐 讛讗专抓 may not treat the money properly...
(讬讗) WTD: Making a 讘专讻讛 at the end of 讛诇诇?
It depends on the 诪谞讛讙 of that place.
(讬讗) WTD: Repeating 驻住讜拽讬诐 in 讛诇诇 (from the words "讗讜止讚职讱指 讻执旨讬 注植谞执讬转指谞执讬" and on)?
It depends on the 诪谞讛讙 of that place.
(讬) WTD: An adult reading 讛诇诇 for another adult?
He should answer 讛址诇职诇讜旨讬指-讛旨 after each 驻住讜拽 that is said.
(讬) What does the 诪砖谞讛 say about the person who doesn't know how to read 讛诇诇? Why?
It should be on him a curse. He should have learned how to read.
(讬) WTD: Someone who in not 讞讬讬讘 in 讛诇诇 (servant/women/child) is reading 讛诇诇 for an adult?
He needs to repeat each word after them.
(讬) What is the rule of 砖讜止诪值注址 讻旨职注讜止谞侄讛?
A person can do a 诪爪讜讛 where one has to say words by just listening to someone else say them.
(讟) What if one did not take 诇讜诇讘 the whole morning?
He can do it later because the whole day is 讻砖专 for 诇讜诇讘.
(讟) What if someone had been travelling, hadn't taken 诇讜诇讘 yet, and began his meal?
If it's late in the day (and may miss the 诪爪讜讛) he should stop his meal and take 诇讜诇讘.
(讟) When should one take (shake) 诇讜诇讘? Why?
As soon as possible. 讝专讬讝讜转.
(讟) What proof does 专' 注拽讬讘讗 bring?
专址讘旨指谉 讙旨址诪职诇执讬讗值诇 & 专址讘旨执讬 讬职讛讜止砖讈只注址 only shook by 讗指谞旨指讗 讛' 讛讜止砖讈执讬注指讛 谞旨指讗
(讟) Where in 讛诇诇 does everyone agree you shake 诇讜诇讘? Where is a 诪讞诇讜拽转 if you shake?
讛讜讚讜 诇讛' beginning and end, 讗指谞旨指讗 讛' 讛讜止砖讈执讬注指讛 谞旨指讗. They argue by 讗指谞旨指讗 讛' 讛址爪职诇执讬讞指讛 谞旨指讗.
(讞) What proof does 专' 诪讗讬专 bring? How do they answer the proof?
The men of 讬专讜砖诇讬诐 tied their 诇讜诇讘讬诐 with golden bands. They really tied with 诇讜诇讘 underneath and just used golden bands on top.
(讞) With what may one tie his 诇讜诇讘? Explain.
诪讞诇讜拽转: 专' 讬讛讜讚讛 - its own kind (诇讜诇讘), 专' 诪讗讬专 - anything 专"讬 - tying is part of the 诪爪讜讛 so tying something else is adding on to the 诪爪讜讛 which is n...
(讝) What is the largest size of an 讗转专讜讙?
诪讞诇讜拽转: 专' 讬讛讜讚讛 - 2 讗转专讜讙讬诐 can fit in 1 hand, 专' 讬讜住讬 - even 1 that fits in 2 hands
(讝) What is the smallest size of an 讗转专讜讙?
诪讞诇讜拽转: 专' 诪讗讬专 - walnut, 专' 讬讛讜讚讛 - egg
(讜) What are 3 other 驻住讜诇讬诐 listed in the 诪砖谞讛?
谞执拽职诇址祝 - peeled, 谞执住职讚旨址拽 - split, 讛址讻旨讜旨砖讈执讬 - black
(讜) WTD: 讬指专讜止拽 讻旨职讻址专职转执讬?
诪讞诇讜拽转: 专' 诪讗讬专 - 讻砖专, 专' 讬讛讜讚讛 - 驻住讜诇
(讜) WTD: 讗转专讜讙 that has a hole?
If it is not missing anything it is 讻砖专 (as long as hole doesn't go all the way through & isn't too large).
(讜) WTD: 讗转专讜讙 that is missing: 驻执讟职诐? 注只拽抓?
驻执讟职诐 - 驻住讜诇, 注只拽抓 - 讻砖专
(讜) WTD: 注指诇职转指讛 讞植讝指讝执讬转? Why?
驻住讜诇 if the blisters are on most of the 讗转专讜讙. It's not 讛讚专 - beautiful.