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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The class starts at 7 o'clock. AFFIRMATIVE --> INTERROGATIVE
Does the class start at 7 o'clock?
We don't have a meeting now. NEGATIVE --> INTERROGATIVE
Do we have a meeting now?
We don't feel great today. NEGATIVE --> AFFIRMATIVE
We feel great today.
I love chocolate cake. AFFIRMATIVE --> NEGATIVE
I don't love chocolate cake.
They practice soccer every day. AFFIRMATIVE --> INTERROGATIVE
Do they practice soccer every day?
Ms. Jackson travels during the winter. AFFIRMATIVE --> NEGATIVE
Ms. Jackson doesn't travel during the winter.
Does Carla speak Spanish? INTERROGATIVE --> NEGATIVE
Carla doesn't speak Spanish.
Do hamsters run all night? INTERROGATIVE --> AFFIRMATIVE
Hamsters run all night.
Sara knows my name. AFFIRMATIVE --> NEGATIVE
Sara doesn't know my name.
You don't drink too much coffee. NEGATIVE --> AFFIRMATIVE
You drink too much coffee.
Does he need help right now? INTERROGATIVE --> AFFIRMATIVE
He needs help right now.
Your cat plays in your bedroom. AFFIRMATIVE --> INTERROGATIVE
Does your cat play in your bedroom?