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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe this animal
This is a parrot. It is blue. It can speak. Parrots like corn.
Describe this animal
This is a shark. It is big and dangerous. It can swim. Sharks like fish.
Describe this animal
This is a hamster. It is fluffy. It can keep food in its cheeks. Hamsters like seeds.
Describe this animal
This is a mouse. It is small and fast. It can run fast. Mice like cheese.
Describe this animal
This is a horse. It is black and tall. It can run fast. Horses like grass.
Describe this animal
This is a bat. It is black. It can fly. Bats like insects.
Describe this animal
This is a hippo. It is big and dangerous. It can dive. Hippos like plants.
Describe this animal
This is a lizard. It is green. It can detach its tail. Lizards like worms.
Describe this animal
This is a frog. It is green. It can jump. Frogs like flies.
Describe this animal
This is a rabbit. It is white and furry. It can hop. Rabbits like carrots.
Describe this animal
This is a fox. It is red. It can run fast. Foxes like meat.
Describe this animal
This is panda. It is black and white. It can climb. Pandas like bamboo.