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Chapter 7: Minnesota's Newcomers

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2 details about St. Paul's first schoolhouse
An abandoned blacksmith shop; log walls, mud plaster, and evergreen branches
2 details about St. Paul's citizens
Mostly men, half the adults could not read
2 details about St. Paul in the 1850's
Mostly log hut buildings, barely a town
2 reasons European Americans left Europe for Minnesota
War, famine, lack of jobs, a better life
Minnesota became a state to have more representatives in Congress
Minnesota became a state so that they could make deals with private companies
Minnesota became a state so that they could have control over budget & finances
The population of Minnesota changed in the 1850’s because...
European Americans immigrating to the territory
Which came later: Minnesota approves a constitution or E.A > N.A in Minnesota?
Minnesota approves a constitution
Which came first: Minnesota approves a constitution or Minnesota becomes a state?
Minnesota approves a constitution
Which came first: Minnesota becomes a territory or Traverse des Sioux?
Minnesota becomes a territory
Before statehood, Minnesota did not have control of its finances and budget.
Transportation to the Minnesota Territory included skiing and snowshoeing.
By 1855, European Americans outnumbered American Indians for the first time in Minnesota.
Minnesota's first public school teacher from Vermont was...
Harriet Bishop
A government in which power is divided between a federal and state governments is...
The branch of government responsible for enforcing laws is...
The branch of government responsible for interpreting laws is...
The branch of government responsible for making laws is...
A written document outlining how the government is organized is a...
Minnesota's first state governor was...
Henry Sibley