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Australian and other World Heritage Sites

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Are any of the Australian World Heritages sites on 'World Heritage Sites in Danger' list?
In which ocrean is McDonald Island is located?
(South) Indian Ocean.
Macquarie Island is located in the Southwest of Tasmania. True or False?
About how old are the Aboriginal rock arts in Kakadu National Park?
Up to 20,000 years old.
What are the reasons why many people are against mining in Kakadu National Park? State one reason.
Water/soil pollution, damage to the Aboriginal Rock Arts
What natural resource is mined near Kakadu National Park?
What is the meaning of Dreaming/Dreamtime in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples cultures?
Stories that tell how the universe and all its living creatures came to be
The Great Wall of China is not in the 'in-Danger' list, but it is under threat due to
The first Australian World Heritage Sites are inscribed in 1981, and there were three of them. Those are Great Barrier Reef, Willandra Lakes Region, and ...
Kakadu National Park
How many World Heritage Sites are currently on the 'in Danger' list?
Can you take a photo of Uluru if it is a wide shot taken from a distance. True or False?
NOT All mixed World Heritage Sites in Australia are located in Northern Territory. True or False?
Are tourist allowed to climb Uluru?
Is Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park a part of Kakadu National Park?
Why is Kakadu National Park a cultural World Heritage Site as well as natural?
Because there are many indiginous rock arts remain in this park and some are 20,000 years old.
What is the name of the famous waterfall in Kakadu National Park?
Jim Jim Falls
Give three possible threats to World Heritage Sites.
Population Growth, Resource Exploitation, Pollution, War, Natural Disaster, Vandalism, Climate Change and Tourism
The Historic Centre of Odesa in Ukraine was added to the World Heritage SItes in Danger list in 2023 because of ....
This picture shows an example of a World Heritage Site getting...
The site that meets more criteria than any other Australian World Heritage Sites is...
Tasmanian Wildeness
How many mixed sites are there in Australia?
This picture shows...
Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
Great Barrier Reef, which is one of the natural sites, is locaetd in...
Is Bondi Beach a natural World Heritage Site?
All natural sites in Australia meet two or more criteria. True or False?
How many natural sites are there in Australia?
In which state are Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens located?
Which criterion/criteria does Sydney Opera House meet?
i. Human creative genius
You can find some of the Australian Convict Sites in NSW.
How many criteria are there for the cultural sites?
Is Kakadu National Park a cultural site?
How many cultural sites are there in Australia?
How many World Heritage Sites are there in Australia?