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Geography- Thailand

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Why do people celebrate Loy Krathong?
The krathongs are a way to say thank you to the river and to say sorry for all the pollution in the river.
When is Loy Krathong celebrated?
Loy Krathong is celebrated in NOVEMBER.
Can you name 3 Thai foods?
What is “elephant” in Thai?
"Elephant" is CHANG in Thai.
What is the largest land animal? Do you know what the largest ocean animal is?
ELEPHANTS are the largest land mammal. BLUE WHALES are the largest ocean animal.
Does Thailand have a government or a monarchy (king/queen) or both?
Thailand has BOTH a government and a monarchy!
What kind of climate does Thailand have?
Thailand has a TROPICAL climate!
How do you say “hello” in Thai?
SA WAT DEE is "hello" in Thai!
What does the elephant represent on the Thai flag?
The elephant represents ROYALTY!
What color is the Thai flag? What animal is on it?
The Thai flag is RED, WHITE, and BLUE with an ELEPHANT on it.
What is the capital of Thailand?
BANGKOK is the capital of Thailand!
What continent is Thailand in?
Thailand is in ASIA!
What are the two official languages in Thailand?
The two official languages in Thailand are THAI and ENGLISH!