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CFA 5 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which canal increased trade for the Northeast and opened the midwest for settlement?
The Erie canal
How did barbed wire affect farmers in the south and midwest?
It contained animals and restricted the use of communal land
Why was water important to early textile mills?
It provided power and let mills move their goods
Name 2 effects of the cotton gin
Slavery spread, cotton was grown as a cash crop, northern textile mills expanded, Cotton was easier to clean
How did factory jobs affect women?
Women were employed and received independence and wages
How did new technology affect productivity and profitability?
Profitability and productivity increased because of new technology
More efficient production of goods was a result of the -
Industrial Revolution
What was the effect of rapid industrial development on urban population?
Cities grew quickly
Decreased price of fares and cost to transport goods were effects of the -
Supply and demand, and economic freedom are characteristics of what economic system
Free enterprise
What type of economy did the west develop after the industrial revolution?
The west developed a mining economy due to ores and minerals
Which economic system promotes minimal government regulation?
Free enterprise
Both the cotton gin and the profitability of cotton as a cash crop contributed to the spread of __________in the South
How were sectional differences affected by the Industrial Revolution?
Sectional differences increased because the west farmed, the north had factories and the South had plantations
Which group of immigrants found work building the western transcontinental railroad?
The Chinese
Which two groups of immigrants came to the United States to escape harsh economic conditions?
The Chinese and the Irish
Which group of immigrants came to the United States to escape a potato famine?
The Irish
Why did urbanization spread during the industrial revolution?
People moved to cities to work in the factories
How did the growth in the number of banks affect the Industrial Revolution?
Banks provided capital to invest in new factories
Which group of immigrants encouraged young children to go to school?
How did British blockades affect American manufacturing during the War of 1812?
Americans were forced to manufacture goods they could not get from Britain
Which invention improved the efficiency of mass production?
Interchangeable Parts
Where was agricultural technology the most beneficial during the Industrial Revolution?
The Western part of the country
What caused the War of 1812
Impressment of Soldiers into the British Navy
What state was the Erie Canal built in?
New York
Great Britain stopping impressment, Increased patriotism, and increased American manufacturing are effects of
The War of 1812