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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your sentence
Your sentence
If the match _______(be) on TV, I _____(watch) it.
is - will watch
If we ____(not leave) now, we ____(miss) the train.
don't leave - will miss
If she ___________(not invite) Joe to her party, he _____(be) upset.
doesn't invite - will be
If you ____ (not listen) to me, you _____(not know) what to do.
don't listen - won't know
If the weather ___(be) bad, we_____(not have) a barbecue.
is - won't have
I ___________(lend) you my phone if you can't find yours.
will lend
If we_______(leave) before 10 o'clock, we_______(not be) late.
leave / won't be
You _______(have) a great time if you _____________(come) to the party.
will have / come
If you_________(come) home late, your parents__________(worry).
come / will worry.
We________(not go) skiing this winter if there_______(not be) enough snow.
won't go / isn't
If you_____(text) me, I________(reply) immediately.
text / will reply
She______(have) to work very hard if she________(want) to go to university.
will have / wants
I_______(help) you if you ________(not understand) the exercise.
will help / don't understand
If you ________(drop) your phone into water, it_______(stop) working.
drop / will stop
She________(earn) a lot of money if she____________(become) a singer.
will earn / becomes
If I_____________(have) time, I_______(phone) you later.
have - will phone
If you_____________(not hurry up), you_________(be) late for school.
don't hurry up / will be