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Module 4: Animal skeletons

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16. Ligaments are found at the joints in our bodies:
True, ligaments connect bones together to create joints
False, ligaments connect muscles to bone to allow for moveme
15. A tortoise has a shell and a backbone. What classification suits the tortoise best?
A vertebrate with an endoskeleton.
An invertebrate.
14. The skull is an example of a shell structure:
True, its protects and encases the brain.
False, it is a solid structure because the brain takes up th
13. An individual bone in an invertebrate skeleton is an example of a:
Solid structure.
Shell structure.
12. A dog’s skeleton is an example of a:
Frame structure.
Solid structure.
11. How is a tortoise shell and a house the same?
They protect and enclose the contents inside.
They look the same.
10. A structure provides support and protection:
True, they also help with movement.
False, they only provide support.
9. Muscles are tight and stiff and cannot be stretched:
8. An example of a pivot movement performed by a joint:
Shaking your head to the left and right.
Only moving a body part in one direction.
7. A ”joint” is where two bones join together to make movement.
6. If it weren’t for our skeletons, would we be like invertebrates with hydro skeletons?
Yes, without our bones we would be like invertebrates.
Definitely not, we would still have structure and shape.
5. Are skeletons able to move on their own?
No, skeletons need to be attached to muscle to create moveme
Yes, the purpose of a skeleton is to create movement.
4. The human body only has one rib bone.
3. The purpose of the skull is to:
Protect the brain.
Give us the ability to think and allow our brains to work.
2. Do all vertebrate skeletons have “skulls”?
Yes, they all have skulls no matter the animal.
No, they are all different depending on the animal.
1. Do vertebrates and invertebrates have the same skeleton?
No, invertebrates and skeletons do not have the same skeleta
Yes, they have the same skeletal structure.