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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can a hamster have a bath with water and soap?
No, they can't. They bath in sand.
What's the main reason for a hamster to bite someone?
Because it's scared about something.
When do hamsters usually get more active and fight?
At night, because they are night animals.
How many km can a Hamster walk in a day?
Up to 10 km!
Can hamsters swim?
No, they can't (only if they really want)
Can hamsters climb trees?
Yes, they can.
Can hamsters go to school?
Yes, but only the day allowed to bring your pet!
Do hamsters like to eat apples?
Yes, they do!
Can Hamsters eat petals of flowers?
Yes, they can!
Are hamsters day or night animals?
Night animals.
How many different species of hamsters are there?
25 species!
Does the Panda hamster exist?
Does the chinese hamster exist?
Yes, they do!!!
What's the world record of baby hamsters born at once?
What hamster specie can live a longer life?
it's the Syrian.
Are hamsters lazy animals?
No, they like to be active.
What is the smallest hamster in the world?
The Roborovski
What specie of hamster that better endure cold temperatures?
Russian hamster 
Can hamsters eat salt?
Yes, not too much!
Which are the 2 biggest predators of the hamsters in Nature?
Snakes and Eagles
Can hamsters eat worms?
Yes, they can! (dry worms)