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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I miss the coast so much. ____ ____ ____ I wouldn't be able to enjoy it on a daily basis.
In any case
I'm so sick of not seeing my family! ____ ____ I can Skype with them.
At least
"Have you seen "The Crown"?" "______, I don't have Netflix"
Sorry I got off track. ___ ___ ___ ___, you need to check your virtual classroom to stay updated.
As I was saying
I don't mind online classes, but ____ ____ ____, I prefer going to school.
on the whole
I have to leave now. ____ ____ _____, can I borrow your umbrella?
By the way
I enjoyed both films, but ____ ____ ____, I think I prefer the British one.
all in all
Most businesses have suffered a lot recently. ____ ____ _____ _____, pharmaceuticals are booming
On the other hand
______, the better qualifications, the higher the salary.
I think we should buy a new TV. ______ ______, we are spending a lot of time at home.
After all
And that's all about the monologue. _________ the interaction, it is important that...
__________, if you want to pass, you need to study.
"Why don't you ask Susan, she'll know" "_____ _____ Susan, how's she doing?"
Talking about / Speaking of
We should stay at home as much as possible. _________, the weather is awful.
Many people cannot cope with this situation any longer. ____ ______ ______, they are really tired and fed up.
In other words
We need to concentrate when using verb tenses, ___________ we will never have a C1