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gerunds and infinitives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you remember _______ (go away) on holidays when you were younger?
going away
Can you (hang on) _______ a minute? I'm almost ready.
hang on
Use a phrasal verb: Can you _______ of my plants this weekend? I'm going to visit my parents and I can't water them.
take care
Use a phrasal verb: We need ________ at 6 o'clock to get to the airport and 7,30
to set off
Use a phrasal verb: Would you like __________ the football match we are playing? The goalkeeper can't play.
to join in
My cousin is coming next weekend. I'm looking forward __________  her.
 to seeing
My father gave up ________ because he knew it was bad for his health.
Do you promise _______ (not tell) anybody?
not to tell
I tried ______ (get) to class on time, but the bus was delayed again.
to get
I always regret _____ (tell) Derek my secrets. He always tell them.
I really fancy _______ (spend) some time at home alone.
You should stop ______ (drink) coke, it's got lots of sugar.
My computer has broken, but I can't afford _____ (buy) a new one.
to buy
What are you planning _______ (do) tonight?
to do
I learned ____(speak) English when I was 5.
to speak
Did you forget ______ (lock) the door last night?
to lock
I'll never forget  _______ (meet) you for the first time.
Do you mind_____ (wait) for me? I'll be ready in 5 minutes
Do you need _______ (revise) gerunds and infinitives?
to revise