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Ever Felt Like This?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you worry when people watch you work?
Should we care what other people think about us?
Do you get up at the same time every day?
Do you go to bed at the same time every night?
Do you procrastinate?
Do you know any tips to overcome procrastination?
Have you ever felt like this?
Should we talk to people about our real feelings?
Are you forgetful?
Do you know any tips to help remember things?
Does this happen to you too?
Got any advice to get around it?
Do you enjoy essay writing?
What do you most enjoy doing?
Do you agree with this?
What can you cook?
Ever been in this situation?
Got any good shows to watch?
Are you an introvert?
What's good about being introverted?
Do you get distracted easily?
Got any coping strategies?
Do you have a good sleep cycle?
How can we improve it, even a little bit?
Ever had thoughts like this?
How can we take action?
What can we do to feel less tired?
How are your sleep patterns? That can help.
Is this you?
I thought I was the only one :D
Does this ring a bell?
You're not alone :)
Do you have trouble staying focused in class?
Got any ideas to help with that?
Have you ever had these thoughts?
What's so bad about tomorrow?
How often do you zone out?
Got any ways around this?
Do you do this too?
Got any better ideas?