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CFA 5 Review- Industrial Revolution

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What canal increased trade for the Northeast and opened the Midwest for settlment?
Erie Canal
What was an effect of barbed wire?
Animals were restricted, use of communal land was restricted
Why were textile mills located near water?
They used water power to power the mills
What were the effects of the cotton gin?
increased production of cotton, cotton became a cash crop, slavery spread, northern textile mills expanded
How did factories impact women's economic opportunities?
Women worked outside their homes, They received wages and independence
What was an effect of increased industrial development?
urbanization, cities grew rapidly
What was the effect of the steamboat?
Tourism developed, fares decreased, shipping costs of goods decreased
What economic system is characterized by minimal government regulation, supply and demand, and economic freedom?
Free Enterprise
What were the benefits of advanced industrial technology?
Production improved and competition increased
Which two economic groups immigrated to the U.S. to escape harsh economic conditions?
Irish and Chinese
Why did the Chinese immigrate to the United States during the 19th century?
work building transcontinental railroad (west) and escape harsh economic conditions
Why did the Irish immigrate to the United States
Escape Potato famine and harsh economic conditions
Why did urbanization increase during the Industrial Revolution?
Factories offer housing and jobs
Increased number of banks (capital), prices decrease because manufacturing became more efficient,
Financial Changes during the Industrial Revolution
Education: kindergarten, physical education, public education, Culture: musical instruments like tuba, expansion of Christian holidays
German Contributions to U.S. Culture
Agriculture Technology increases settler's efficiency and productivity
Western Impact of Industrial Revolution
Identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers, impact: mass production
Interchangeable Parts
Cause of the War of 1812
Impressement of U.S. Sailors
A canal between the New York cities of Albany and Buffalo, Impacted midwest near great lakes.
Erie Canal
Britain stopped impressment, Nationalism (Patriotism), Manufacturing grows
Effects of the War of 1812
more efficient production, price decreases, urbanization, increased profit
Industrial Revolution Effects
Limited trade with Britain during Embargo, War blocked imports from Britain
Causes of Increased Manufacutring