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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They __________ ( Stop ) smoking _____ six months.
They have stopped smoking for six months.
Myriam __________ (Watch) TV _____ she finished her homework
Myriam has watched TV since she finished her homework
___________ ( Your brother, work) in that store _____ 3 months?
Has your brother worked in that store for 3 months?
She __________ (never, meet) Pedro.
She has never met Pedro
___________ (you, ever, dance) alone?
Have you ever danced alone?
I have ___________ (never, eat) Indian food, I don't like to try different cooking
I have never eaten Indian food, I don't like to try different cooking
___________ (you, ever , be) in the hospital for a long time?
Have you ever been in the hospital for a long time?
We __________ (begin) to live in a new city _____ Christmas.
We have begun to live in a new city since Christmas.
Lucas ________ (live)in that apartment _____ nine months.
Lucas has lived in that apartment for nine months.
Mercedes and Julia __________ ( play ) in the park _____ they arrived from school.
Mercedes and Julia have played in the park since they arrived from school.
I _______ (have) this car_____ five years.
I have had this car for five years.
we __________ (never, travel) by plane.
We have never travelled by plane.
My dad ___________ (never/catch) a fish.
My Dad has never caught a fish
___________ (ever, you, sail) a boat?
Have you ever sailed a boat?
It __________ (rain) _____ several hours.
It has rained for several hours.
Lisa __________ (have) her dog _____ two years.
Lisa has had her dog for two years.
_________ (ever, he, see) a wild animal ?
Has he ever seen a wild animal?
I __________ (never sleep) in a tent
I have never slept in a tent
I __________ (not see) my cat ______ last Tuesday.
I haven't seen my cat since last Tuesday.
This cat __________ (not have) any milk _____ 5 o'clock.
This cat hasn't had any milk since 5 o'clock.