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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If people ________ (drive) more carefully, there _______ (be) fewer accidents.
drove, would be
If it _______ (not be) so cold, we ______ (go) for a walk.
weren't, could go
If I _____ (be) rich, I ______ (spend) all my time travelling.
were, would spend
If I _____ (live) in a big city, I ______ (not need) a car.
lived, wouldn't need
She's _____ money _____ for her retirement.
splashing out / paying back / puting aside
He __________ on a brand new car.
splashed out / put aside / ripped off
Tourists are _________ by local cab drivers.
put aside / ripped off / saved up
______ a salary
make / earn / gain
____ a living
earn / win / gain
Nowadays, young people chose to _________ in crypto.
When I was a student I had to ________ lots of money from the bank. I ______ all the money last year so I don't _______ the bank anything.
borrow, paid back, owe
My uncle _____ money for rainy days. He ______ as little as possible.
saves, spends
Peter ________ jackpot and he _______ all the money within a year.
won, wasted
When her father died, she ___________ $1,000,000.