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Genesis Creation,Fall and Cain

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was Cain and Abel's brothers name?
How was man made?
From clay
What did God use to make woman?
A rib from Adam
What did Cain do because he hated his brother?
He killed him.
What kind of offering did Cain bring to God?
grains, fruits, and vegetables
What kind of offering did Abel bring to God?
a lamb
Who were the first two children born on Earth?
Cain and Abel
What did Adam and Eve cloth themselves with to cover up the guilt of sinning?
fig leaves
What was the only command that God gave Adam and Eve?
Do not eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
How did God create Adam and Eve?
Adam- from the dust of the ground Eve- from one of Adam's ribs
What was the beautiful home that God created for Adam and Eve to live in?
Garden of Eden
What happened on Day 7 of Creation?
God rested.
What happened on Day 6 of Creation?
animals and mankind
What happened on Day 5 of Creation?
fish and birds
What happened on Day 4 of Creation?
sun, moon, and stars
What happened on Day 3 of Creation?
land and plants
What happened on Day 2 of Creation?
water and sky
What happened on Day 1 of Creation?
light and dark
What was Adam and Eve's punishment for their sin?
They had to leave the Garden of Eden.
Why did Adam and Even hide after eating the fruit?
They were ashamed and afraid because they sinned.
Who tempted Eve in the garden?