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internet safety

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should you click sketchy links like our vbuck link
what was the scam giving away
iphone 13pro max
what should you not give away online
you should not give away your address
what dose the s in https mean
it means the website is safe
should you have your ticktok account on public or private.
what apps are you able to be cyberbullied on ?
ticktok,whattsapp,snapchat ect
what should you use to make a strong password
do you like playing games with your friends
how many jonseys were in the slides
should you meet up with people you dont know
are you having fun
should you click a link that says win a free phone or car
no it could be a scam
what are your favriote games
fortnite rocket league,minecraft ect
is it a good idea to meet with someone you dont know?
No they could kidnap you
If someone online says “Your trash kid” or “Stop being so stupid,” what do you do?
block and report them or tell a adult/guardian
Do you play online games?If so do you have parental controls ?
student anwser
Is it a good idea to meet strangers from online?
what do you do if a website asks for your password?
ask a guardian or dont use it