Edit Game
Challenge 2 - Units 1 and 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a question to someone about the quantity of cats
How many cats are there?
Make a question to someone about the quantity of books in the picture
How many books are there?
Make a sentence using one of these words: excited - exciting
he is very excited about the news / this is so exciting!
Make a sentence using one of these words: frustrating - frustrated
He is frustrated about his job / His job is so frustrating
Make a sentence using one of these words: relaxed - relaxing
I'd feel so relaxed living in this place / this is a relaxing place
Make a sentence using one of these words: boring - bored
This TV show is so boring / He is bored
Describe the picture
There are too many people / lots of people
What's the meaning of the acronym FYI?
For your infomation
What's the meaning of the acronym THX?
What's the meaning of the acronym HAND?
Have a nice day
Offer food to a friend
Would you like something to eat?
Offer water to a friend
Would you like some water?
Correct the sentence: Them TV is very big
Correct the sentence: I protect me privacy. Do you protect you?
My / Your
Correct the sentence: I'm talking to his
Talk about this picture using the comparative
The woman is older than the child / The child is younger than the woman
Talk about this picture using the comparative
He is taller than her / She is shorter than him
Make a question to someone about the quantity of money they need to buy a new cellphone
How much money do you need to buy a new cellphone?
Make a question to someone about the quantity of water they drink in a day
How much water do you drink in a day?
Talk about this picture using the superlative
She is the most beautiful girl
Talk about this picture using the superlative
He is the most intelligent person in the class