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Pronouns and Antecedents

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The cake was very tasty. It had a lot of frosting.
Pronoun: it | Antecedent: cake
Carlos found a new lightbulb and installed it.
Pronoun: it | Antecedent: lightbulb
The players were tired, but they won the game.
Pronoun: they | Antecedent: players
Mother called the twins and told them dinner was on the table.
Pronoun: them | Antecedent: twins
The puppy wanted to play, so it grabbed the ball.
Pronoun: it | Antecedent: puppy
The girl’s brother asked if he could get a bike, too.
Pronoun: he | Antecdent: brother
The bike had lights, bells, and streamers on it .
Pronoun: it | Antecdent: bike
The girl saw the bike she had always wanted.
Pronoun: she | Antecdent: girl
Sharon loves to walk on the beach. She watches the sunset often.
Pronoun: She | Antecedent: Sharon
David, John and Michael enjoy playing soccer. They love teamwork.
Pronoun: They | Antecdents: David, John, and Michael