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Languages (Article)

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What could be the 2nd most popular language taught in UK schools?
Name 2 languages out of the 3 that the UK government wants to be taught in schools.
Arabic, Mandarin Chinese and Urdu.
Which languages are traditionally taught in UK schools?
French, Spanish, and German
why don’t young people continue with languages at school?
Because according to the research, they suggest that students think that it is difficult to get good grades in languages.
At what age do children stop learning a foreign language in UK schools?
At what age do children start learning a foreign language in UK schools?
What is the percentage of British people who do not speak a foreign language?
What was the result of the survey conducted by the European Commission?
The result was that British are officially the worst language learners in Europe.
According to the reading, what are the British famous for?
They are famous for not speaking foreign languages.