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Success Criteria
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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High quality SC provide a pathway to equitable learning by...
offering clarity about how learners will show what they know
being written really large
being displayed in a number of formats
always using a checklist
If we have high expectations of our students, we often articulate these through:
High-quality success criteria
Fun slides templates that engage the students
Our most important goal with success criteria is to...
connect our learners to a shared understanding of what success looks like for any given LI, for our learners to be their own teachers
Success criteria should be observable and measurable so that...
progress can be monitored
other teachers can use our SC
classroom observations will be easier
Success criteria can and should include:
content, practices/skills, dispositions
How are LI and SC connected?
SC make LI visible, SC define the LI
Success criteria helps learners answer the question:
How will I know when I’ve learned it?
When developing SC, teachers should ask this question:
What would learners say and do if they've mastered the LI?
High quality success criteria decreases…
the amount of time needed for any given task
the likelihood that learning will happen
the likelihood that all learners will meet the LI
Success criteria have a POTENTIAL average effect size of...
Learning intentions without success criteria are…
Success criteria need to be co-constructed to maximise their impact? True or False?