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Fossil Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can the teeth tell us about the animal?
What can fossils tell us about Earth's climate?
What is climate?
Weather conditions in an area over a long period of time.
What is amber?
hardened tree sap
What is a body fossil?
Preserved organism parts such as bones, teeth, and eggs
What does it mean for something to be preserved?
In its original condition
What is a cast fossil?
When a mold fossil is filled to create a cast (or replica) of the organism.
What is a Mold Fossil?
When a plant or animal leaves an imprint so defined it creates a mold of the organism.
What is sedimentary rock?
Rock formed by sediment deposits; usually forms in layers
What does it mean to decay?
to rot or decompose
What is an imprint fossil/?
When the outline of an animal or plant is left in the rock.
Where can fossils be found?
Hardened tree sap (amber) or sedimentary rock
What is a paleontologist?
A scientist who studies fossils
What is an organism?
A living thing such as a plant or animal.
What are extinct plants and animals?
Plants and animals that are no longer found alive.
What is a fossil?
The preserved remains of plants or animals that lived long ago