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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's smaller a centimeter or a meter?
What's bigger a foot or a yard?
What's bigger an inch or a foot?
What are the four seasons?
winter, spring, summer, fall
What is an animal's basic needs?
water, food, air, shelter
What do plants need to grow?
sun, water, soil, and air
Do evergreen trees lose leaves?
What is an example of a gas?
air or steam
What is an example of a solid?
book, car, toy, ball, etc
What is an example of a liquid?
water, juice, etc.
What are the three states of matter?
solid, liquid, and gas
What do we call a body of freshwater that moves through land?
What is a body of water with land all around it?
What are large areas of flat land and good for farming?
What are low places that lie between mountains?
What are dry places that get very little rain?
What is the tallest kind of land on Earth?
27 + 53
64 - 39
96 - 42
48 + 36
Describe a suburban community.
houses with yards, parks, grocery stores
Describe a urban community.
a lot of people, skyscrapers, traffic, buses, museums
Describe a rural community.
farms, less people, more space between houses
What are the three different types of communities?
urban, suburban, and rural
What is a pronoun?
a word that takes the place of a noun
What is an adjective?
a word that describes a noun
What is a verb?
an action word
What is a noun?
person, place, or thing