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Superlative animals

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which animal is the sleepiest?
The panda is the sleepiest
Which animal is the biggest?
The rhino is the biggest.
Which animal is the worst?
The ____________ is the worst.
Which animal is the best?
The ____________ is the best.
Which animal is the ugliest?
The ____________ is the ugliest
Which animal is the most intelligent?
The gorilla is the most intelligent
Which animal is the most talkative?
The parrot is the most talkative
Which animal is the laziest?
The sloth is the laziest
Which animal is the most beautiful?
The ___________ is the most beautiful.
Which animal is the most intelligent?
The gorilla is the most intelligent
Which animal is the strongest?
The elephant is the strongest.
Which animal is the fastest?
The cheetah is the fastest
Which animal is the best?
The ____________ is the best.
Which animal is the smallest?
The fish is the smallest
Which animal is the fastest?
The dog is the fastest
Which animal is the slowest?
The tortoise is the slowest
Who is the fattest? Simba, Timone or Pumba?
Pumba is the fattest
Which animal is the most dangerous?
The lion is the most dangerous
Which animal is the tallest?
The giraffe is the tallest