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Speakout Unit 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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translate into Dutch: according to
translate into English: vergelijken
to compare
Translate into Dutch: to rely on
rekenen op, vertrouwen op
Translate into Dutch: impressive
translate into Dutch: separate
gescheiden, apart
translate into Dutch: to complain
Explain the English expression: a piece of cake
a very easy task
Name five English speaking countries
England, United States, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Kenia, Canada, Jamaica, Singapore
Last week Heracles scored much / many goals. Choose!
There is a / an huge mistake in this quiz.
a huge mistake
a or an: umbrella
an umbrella
a or an: useful device
a useful device
a or an: university
a university
a or a: hour
an hour
a or an: house
a house
What is the past time of go?
Name five things you normally find in the kitchen.
spoon, fork, knife, herbs, food, vegetables, plate, cooking pots, stove, oven, dishwasher, fridge, kitchen tools, cutlery,
Name five countries in Europe
France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Poland, Sweden, Norway
Name three countries with an -A-
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Australia, Andorra, Angola
Explain in English the expression: we're in hot water
to be in trouble, to have problems
translate into English: in de nabije toekomst
in the near future
translate into English: waarschijnlijk
it is likely, probably
translate into English: solliciteren
to apply for a job
translate into Dutch: prediction
translate into Dutch: to put off
What is meant by: you're a dark horse
je hebt veel geheimen
what is the English expression for: te weinig tijd hebben
running out of time, te be short of time,
Explain in English: to get out the rat race
to quit a lifestyle that is mainly concerned with money and status.
Translate into English: herkennen
to recognize
Explain what in English what it means when something is close to your heart.
Something that is important to you, or dear. Something that has emotional value.
Describe in English: "to meet a deadline"
to get a job done before a certain date or moment