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[M1] Topic 8: Data and Graphing

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Qualitative or Quantitative: Gender and Religion
What are the 2 Types of Data?
Qualitative and Quantitative Data
Qualitative Data is also called ____________ Data.
Qualitative or Quantitative: The final scores on a video game
What is the median of the given test scores? 82, 54, 72, 65, 90, 20, 55, 60, 80, 74, 88
What interval could be used for the scale?
5 (can be changed, depending on the closest number to apply all data)
What interval could be used for the scale?
4 (can be changed, depending on the closest number to apply all data)
The difference between successive values on a scale is called the ____________.
A graph using bars to compare quantities is called a ___________.
bar graph
The axis on which the categories or values are shown is the _________ axis.
The axis on which the scale and interval are shown is the ____________ axis.
The set of all possible values in a given measurement, including the least and greatest numbers in the set, separated by the intervals used is called the _____________.
It refers to a piece of information.
It deals with collecting, organizing, and interpreting pieces of information.
It refers to a question that anticipates and accounts for a variety of answers.
Statistical Question
If each ice cream ordered was $3.75, how much money was spent by the boys?
How many more girls than boys were surveyed about their favorite color?
[PRE-LESSON] What kind of graph is this?
Circle Graph
[PRE-LESSON] What kind of graph is this?
Line Graph
Which topping did most students choose?
Which topping received 6 fewer votes than sprinkles?
hot fudge
What do the numbers going up the side of the graph represent?
how many hours Ben does of each activity
What does the s represent on the graph?
Do more kids have cats or dogs?
If there are 8 kids with dogs and 2 kids with birds, how many more kids have dogs than birds?
6 kids
What was the second most liked fruit?
This graph shows different kinds of fruit and how many people think it is a nice fruit. How many people think the blueberry is the nicest fruit?
This graph shows different kinds of fruit and how many people think it is a nice fruit. How many people think the banana is the nicest fruit?
What kind of graph is this?
Bar graph
What is the title of this graph?
Nicest fruit
How many more people like apples better than oranges