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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of population pyramid is this?
What kind of population pyramid is this?
What is the formula for birth rate?
(births / inhabitants) x 1000
What is the formula for mortality rate?
(deaths / inhabitants) x 1000
Which have a longer lifespan: men or women?
What is the highlighted section an example of?
Baby boom
As of November 15th, how many people are there in the world?
8 billion
______ is the number of people living in a particular place.
________ is the science of populations.
Which country had a baby boom between 1946 and 1964?
United States
What does it mean for population growth if the amount of births and deaths are equal?
Zero Population Growth
Which actress made the MeToo Movement popular?
Alyssa Milano
Why do people cross the border illegally?
To escape insecurity and violence and for better economic opportunity.
Define citizen.
A person who has promised loyalty to a nation
Who were the first Europeans to explore Arizona?
What is a "slot canyon"? Give an example.
Tiny canyons formed when water finds its way into a tiny fissure of bedrock. Antelope Canyon.
Define Naturalization.
The process for foreign citizens to become (U.S.) citizens.
Name the 3 temporary types of visas.
Work, school, travel
what is a Permanent Residence card?
dentification card that allows someone to live and work in the United States as a permanent resident without U.S. citizenship.
What well-known U.S. character says: "Only you can prevent wildfires"
Smokey the Bear
What is a monsoon?
Strong winds and a season of rainfall/dust storms.
Who is Doug Ducey?
The governor of Arizona
What is the state capital of Arizona?
Which four states border Arizona?
Utah, Nevada, California, and New Mexico
What is the name of the activist who started the MeToo Movement?
Tarana Burke
True or False; the U.S.-Mexican border is one long fence between the U.S. Mexico from Texas to California.
What are two ways you can become a natural citizen?
Birth and Naturalization
What is the mission of the National Park Service in the U.S.?
To preserve and protect the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for enjoyment, education, and inspiration.
What is the #MeToo movement?
A movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault
Which country do most immigrants come from today in the U.S.?
Define immigration.
Immigration is when people become a permanent resident or citizen of another country.
Point to Arizona on the map.