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SOC4 U3 Working the Land and Energy Sources

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of energy source is wind and solar?
Alternative or renewable energy
What type of energy source is coal and gas?
Traditional or non-renewable energy
What are two types of energy sources?
Traditional or non-renewable energy sources and alternative or renewable energy sources.
What are two types of mines?
Underground and open-pit mines
What is the process of extracting rocks and minerals from inside the earth?
Where can we do sea fishing?
In seas and oceans.
Where can we do river fishing?
In rivers and lakes.
What is fishing?
Catching fish, shellfish and other animals that live in the sea or rivers.
Logging involves cutting down _____ to make furniture and paper.
Where do we get meat, milk, eggs, wool and leather from?
What is livestock farming?
Raising animals to obtain products.
How much water do irrigated crops need?
a lot of water
How much water do dryland crops need?
little water
What are two types of crop farming?
dryland crops and irrigated crops
What is agriculture?
farming the land to grow crops