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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There aren't any books on the floor.
There won't be any books on the floor.
Is there a policeman at the door?
Will there be a policeman at the door?
There aren't any teachers in the classroom.
There won't be any teachers in the classroom.
There is a snake in the window.
There will be a snake in the window.
Is there a glass of water on the table?
Will there be a glass of water on the table?
There isn't any milk.
There won't be any milk
Are there any chairs in the bedroom?
Will there be any chairs in the bedroom?
There are lions in the zoo.
There will be lions in the zoo.
There isn't a barbecue at my house.
There won't be a barbecue at my house.
There are many monkeys in the trees.
There will be many monkeys in the trees.
Is there any grass under the tree?
Will there be any grass under the tree?
There aren't many sharks in the aquarium.
There won't be many sharks in the aquarium.
There is an elephant in the zoo.
There will be 2 elephants in the zoo.
There are bananas in the tree with the gorilla.
There will be some bananas in the tree with the gorilla.
Is there any sugar in the fridge?
Will there be any sugar in the fridge?
There isn't lots of water for the fish
There won't be lots of water for the fish.
There is a cookout in the yard.
There will be a cookout in the yard.