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Relative pronouns & relative clauses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I facetime my best friend twice a week. She lives in Ontario.
I facetime my friend, who lives in Ontario, twice a week.
The girl is very sad, her doll was lost.
The girl whose doll was lost is very sad.
I was born in this city, I also want to study and live here.
I want to study and live in the city where I was born.
Did you like the song? I wrote it.
Did you like the song that/which I wrote?
This bike cost a fortune, it was made in Germany.
This bike, which was made in Germany, cost a fortune.
The sports center has recently opened a new tennis court. I go swimming there.
The sports center, where I go swimming, has recently opened a new tennis court.
The castle -- we visited last year was very nice.
My friend Peter went to High School with me. He´s written a novel.
My friend Peter, who went to High School with me, has written a novel.
An elephant is an animal. This animal lives in hot countries.
An elephant is an animal which lives in hot countries.
They live in a house. The backyard of the house is full of flowers.
They live in a house whose backyard is full of flowers.
Children -- hate chocolate are uncommon.