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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write a phrase that you can use for debating an issue politely
"We can´t wait time to vote for the best president" Is it correct?
No, after can´t wait, we need to use only infinitive
"appear" is a verb followed by object and infinitive (true or false)
"persuade" is a verb followed by an object and infitive (true or false)
What is this controversial issue?
prohibiting smoking indoors
What is this controversial issue?
lowering the driving age
What is this controversial issue?
censorship of books and movies
Write a phrase used for "disagreement"
Write a phrase used for "agreement"
What is the difference between "radical" and "reactionary"?
that radicals sopport the changes and the reactionary people are strongly opposed to change
What is the definition of "reactionary"?
strongly opposed to political or social change
What is the definition of "liberal"
supporting changes in political, social, or religious systems that respect the different beliefs, ideas, etc of other people
"The poverty in countries are related with the politics" correct the mistakes
Poverty in countries is related with politics
The time that you spend doing your work, express a success" correct the mistakes
" The educations for children are important" correct the mistakes
Education for children is important
Work, Progress and Health are considered abstract ideas?
Write three abstract ideas
What´s "I´m leaning toward"?
I´m considering doing something
What is "Let´s sit down and catch up"?
I want t hear what is going on with you