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Church History 1000-1500 AD

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The Renaissance was a period of cultural flourishing based on...
The rediscovery of classical philosophy
The Renaissance began in the country of...
After the Schism, Eastern Christianity became known as...
Orthodox Christianity
How did Eastern Christians feel about the Pope?
They believed he had no religious authority over them.
How did language play a part in the Eastern Schism of 1054 AD?
Language differences led to confusion and suspicion (Greek vs. Latin)
Pope JP II said Eastern and Western Christian world should...
"Breathe with her two lungs"
Muslims turned what into a mosque in 1453 AD?
The Hagia Sophia
In 1347 AD...
Bubonic plague arrives in Europe
The Renaissance began in...
1300 AD
"Renaissance" in French means...
The Inquisition was founded in...
1229 AD
Christians sacked Constantinople during the 4th Crusade, but were meant to take back...
Christians sacked Constantinople in 1204 because...
To collect their promised money
Territorial control of Jerusalem went to Saladin in 1192 AD under the...
Treaty of Jaffa
King Richard the...
In 1144 AD...
The first Gothic cathedral is completed
Who needed aid from Western Europe against the Muslim armies in 1094 AD?
The Byzantine Emperor
Pope Urban II called for the first Crusade in...
1095 AD
Name the 3 universities mentioned that were founded in 1088 AD
Bologna, Paris, and Oxford
In 1088 AD...
The first 5 universities are founded
In 1054 AD...
The Eastern Schism occurs
In 1000 AD, Muslims control how much of the Ancient Christian World?